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@ btysaxophonists.bs.com

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey! this post is regarding the section outing on this coming friday :)

please meet at tpy red circle at 11a.m. please dont be late even if you will be late pls call or text me to let me know. if your dont have my number ask from zhiqing.
if your are still dont know or not sure of where are we heading to .. we will be going to the sentosa palawan beach we will be having picnic there :D for lunch. then dinner we will be eating outside. we will play some games at there tooo. clothe*important! remember to bring extra set of clothes and your undergarments. If your wan to bathe there also can but remember to bring soap. Remember to bring extra $3 for entrance fees. Haha tats alll :D seee your on friday dont be late :D!



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

After so long finally decided to post something on this blog hehe :)
hummm its beeeen a long time since ii saw your .. how's life ? how is everyone de EOY paper ?
hummm for those who have done welll congrats BUT for those who do badly
.. ii am not going to scold your but ii really just wan your to work double hard kay ?
for those tat will be sec four next year PLEASE dont play play your must work really hard !! if not your wont be able to catch up kay.. for those who are going to be sec 3
tat does not means your dont neeed to work hard okay your also must work
hard ah for those going to sec 2 next year wow time fly fast eh .. so fast
your are going to be seniors le are your excited ? happy ?
hummm ii know tat uue guys are working hard for next year de SYF work hard
kay and ii heard tat your set pierce is coming soon toooo jiayou
ah all the best :D
remember to take good care of yourself kay ? drink lots and lots of
water dont make yourself fall sick ..
ii will come and visit your sooon :D


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hey dear saxophonists
Our Mdm xinyu and Sir guanchin is having a band concert AUREUS EXPERENTIA XIV
Date : 28 May 2010 Friday (vesak day)
Time : 5 pm - 7 pm
Venue : Victoria Concert Hall
Ticket Price : $10(stall) $12 (circle)
They will be playing
- Angles in the Architecture
- My Neighbour Totoro
- American graffiti XIX
- Sinfonia festiva
- Japanese graffiti XIV
- March willing and able
- Sea songs
- Percussion Esemble
AND they will also be putting up alice in the wonderland
**please come and support her because this is the first concert as
a percussionist **
For those saxophonists tat are interested pls pls tell me by the 18 may 2010
thank you =D
last but not least good luck for the rest of the paper


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Greetings everyone! Yes, its been a while since the blog has been last updated so I have decided to do it before I never get any more chance to do so. :P

For Non-Sec 1s:
Good luck and study hard + smart for your exams!
I am sure all of you can ace this Mid Year exam! :D

Some Exam Tips (Sponsored by Yi Jie):
  1. Sleep early
  2. Take short breaks
  3. Eat something light before the exam (Too heavy will make you feel drowsy)

As for Sec 1s:
You'll be having a long break.
Practice on your instrument during the break since you do not have MY exams and I am sure all of you want to improve right?
If you did not sign out your instrument, you could look through your "band notebook" and gain hopefully, gain enlightenment from it. :D
or you can look through the score that your have (gently touch the sky & singapura medley)
and remember to take good care of yourself

I will update it more if there is a need.
Copy + Paste from www.beattymband.blogspot.com

-edit -
humm ii know the exams are around the conner all
of your must be busy studying rit ?
but remember to take really good care of yourself
okay drink lots and lots of water
dont let yourself fall sick like wat yijie said before
do remember to take short break
to let your eye have abit of rest

Still Submitted; Sponsored; Written by,
Yi Jie
edit by yihui


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey my dear saxophonists out there plsssss remember to take good care of yourself okay as uue all know the weather out there is abit crazy so plssss drink lots of water okay dont fall sick especially those tat are playing for the concert okay .. your know todae de pratice very poor thing ? only got me and wanxin ._. yijie zhiqing and angeline gell well soon :)


Saturday, March 13, 2010


This is an exclusive for saxophones' blog! :D
WARNING: Picture heavy! Not for the faint hearted and weak/slow computers!

Let's do it story-style!:D
Ready? Alrighty let's begin!

Your representatives from the band, alumni in fact, rushed down from wherever they were in Singapore to the ROM at its temporary location at the Ministry of National Development (Annex B), 7 Maxwell Road.

For the record, Xinyu flew from Nanyang Junior College (whose lessons ended at 1.30pm) and Liyi flew from her home in Yewtee (who had to deposit bulky stuff at home from AMK first).

Details of the registration:
Date: 11 March 2010
Time: 2.30PM
Venue: Solemnisation Room ONE

Although we were kinda late (cos' we were supposed to be there by 2pm, but we had stuff beforehand so we tried to 'fly' down), but we still had time to do some photo-taking with the bride (aka laoban)! :D:D:D

So now let the pictures do the talking! :D

Xinyu, MISS Caneda Vanessa, Liyi

The "briefing"!

Solemniser so serious!

THE wedding vows:

Will you, (insert name), take (insert name) to be your wedded (wife/husband)? To live together in the legal estate of matrimony?
Would you love (her/him), comfort (her/him), honour (her/him), promise to keep (her/him) in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to (her/him) so long as you both shall live?

Rings exchange!

Mr. Tay putting on her ring!

Mrs Tay putting on his ring!

Vows to each other! :)

Sign sign sign the Marriage Certificate!

Alrighty! Here's what you've been waiting for!
Warning: Audio might be too soft so adjust accordingly. AND, remember to switch off the background music from the mixpod!
*drumroll!* THE VIDEO! enjoy! :)

After the ceremony, it's cam-whore time! :D

The newly-wed: Mr. and Mrs Tay Kai Tze!

Mr. and Mrs with family!

Mr. and Mrs with family and friends!


Finally, our chance to take a few photos with laoban (& 'laoban-niang')! :P

Everyone's congratulating them! Chit-chat with friends!

Candid candid!

Laoban! the lady's as pretty as the flowers right? :)
Opps! We meant MRS TAY, with her lovely bouquet of roses!

Eh, MISS Chan Li Yi.
prettaye ain't she? :)
but sadly guys, she's taken. Too bad! :D

MISS Foo Xin Yu.
Eh, candid candid! Hahahahaha! :)

Mr. and Mrs Tay.
And for a joke, Mr Lum! (points to the sign!) :D

Mr. and Mrs Tay again!
No lovely gardens like the ones at Fort Canning for photoshoots, but let's just make do with this. (:

AND, of course, your lovely representatives. Who had flown down from the different parts of Singapore to witness this breathtaking event (and we were really out of breath from flying down!), and documenting it with our SONY CYBERSHOT(S) T77 for all to see!

That's all for now folks! :)
Hope you enjoyed whatever you've seen so far! :D

The video for the ceremony is still in the process of uploading to Youtube! And the photos taken during the ceremony by MISS CHAN LI YI is still with her! Do text/email/call/remind (or even pester!) her to upload SOON!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey ! how is everyone doing ??
humm next week will be a very busy week for us correct
first we have performing arts camp thenstill the AA thing .. follow by band pratice then got the world water day performance wooow tired ho .. ii wan everybody to really take good care of yourself okay really drink lots of water yeah ... And our dear SL yijie is sick gastric flu haize ... hope he will recover soon really really soon if your see this post do sent him a message and ask him how is he okay muahahahahhahaha :D
and our combine concert is really near the corner so hope your really pratice hard okay and maybe this is the last performance me and yijie will be playing together wif your le .. :X
Anyway our dear xinyu is having a concert on the 28 of may at victoria concert hall the price ii am still not sure yet will comfrim wif your asap so tell me your wan to go a not :)
lastly take care



febuary '94
alto saxophonist
section leader ('09-'10)

october '93
alto cum tenor saxophonist

may '94
baritone cum tenor saxophonist
assistant section leader ('09-'10)

febuary '95
alto saxophonist

november '94
tenor saxophonist cum baritone

september '96
alto saxophonist

march '96
alto saxophonist

tenor saxophonist

Syahirah -
alto saxophonist

Ateeqah -
alto saxophonist


august '92
alto saxophonist
section leader ('07-'08)
nanyang junior college symphonic band!

september '92
tenor saxophonist
singapore polytechnic symphonic band!


better attitude
better understanding of music
improving on side-reading


FULL attendance for all practices
achieve the best during sectional
new mouthpieces! ;D
improve on skills! more songs!
2 more juniors every year
Better stamina and endurance