Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hey dear saxophonists
Our Mdm xinyu and Sir guanchin is having a band concert AUREUS EXPERENTIA XIV
Date : 28 May 2010 Friday (vesak day)
Time : 5 pm - 7 pm
Venue : Victoria Concert Hall
Ticket Price : $10(stall) $12 (circle)
They will be playing
- Angles in the Architecture
- My Neighbour Totoro
- American graffiti XIX
- Sinfonia festiva
- Japanese graffiti XIV
- March willing and able
- Sea songs
- Percussion Esemble
AND they will also be putting up alice in the wonderland
**please come and support her because this is the first concert as
a percussionist **
For those saxophonists tat are interested pls pls tell me by the 18 may 2010
thank you =D
last but not least good luck for the rest of the paper