Greetings everyone! Yes, its been a while since the blog has been last updated so I have decided to do it before I never get any more chance to do so. :P
For Non-Sec 1s:
Good luck and study hard + smart for your exams!
I am sure all of you can ace this Mid Year exam! :D
Some Exam Tips (Sponsored by Yi Jie):
- Sleep early
- Take short breaks
- Eat something light before the exam (Too heavy will make you feel drowsy)
As for Sec 1s:
You'll be having a long break.
Practice on your instrument during the break since you do not have MY exams and I am sure all of you want to improve right?
If you did not sign out your instrument, you could look through your "band notebook" and gain hopefully, gain enlightenment from it. :D
or you can look through the score that your have (gently touch the sky & singapura medley)
and remember to take good care of yourself
I will update it more if there is a need.
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humm ii know the exams are around the conner all
of your must be busy studying rit ?
but remember to take really good care of yourself
okay drink lots and lots of water
dont let yourself fall sick like wat yijie said before
do remember to take short break
to let your eye have abit of rest
Still Submitted; Sponsored; Written by,
Yi Jie
edit by yihui