Friday, December 25, 2009
hahas merry chirstmas to all saxophonists =)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hey !~
how is all of your doing ? hope its good hahas did your bring home
your instrument for those who nv bring home HAHA good luck to you then for
those who went back to sch to take back your instrument but becos of some
reasons din't get to sign out dont be sad yeah =) For those who bring home their
instrument remember to practice okay dont bring home and leave your instrument
at 1 side and dont pratice for those tat who still dont wan to practice HAHA your will
get it !!!! REMEMBER to take care of yourself ah dont fall sick okay
do your still remember then last day of band practice we have this meeting
then i ask all of your to say out each of us our bad points and good points ?
ya try to make the bad points to become good points okay ii know its hard but try okay=)
Friday, December 4, 2009
This post is just to clear all confusion that is occuring.Firstly, Band room
Next, there will be no audience (parents) during the 5th December (this Saturday) because the number of
parents attending didn't reach the target set
BUT there will
- Section Competition
- Sec 1s First Recital
- Main Band performance (Nuts and Crackers)
- Sec1s Combine Performance (Gently Touch the Sky)
Finally, I would like congratulate those who took part in the section ensemble competition at Westwood including me formally that we managed by luck/skill/less mistakes to win
2nd place in WestWood Ensemble Competition. It was totally UNEXPECTED for me. We did this together and I am proud of it.
One more thing,
all the best for 5th December even though I won't be around!
-Yi Jie