Sunday, April 19, 2009
Ok, keeping this blog alive means I cannot manage it on my own due to more homework.
I'll need my new ASL to help me in this. (*HINT*).
Sec 2s can also post, I dont mind about it.
Anyway, I really wish Angeline good luck in her examination and in future.
On behalf on the section, I'd wish you that you enjoyed your band life and everything.
Don't cry and miss someone arh? Lols.
I also hope all of you give me and ASL your fullest cooperation.
Please act like a senior (Sec2s) as we now have 2 saxy juniors.
In conclusion, I wish Angeline a happy band life (So many scoldings, lols, many laughing, etc)
and hope to make an impact (Ouch, it hurts!) on her.
Exams are also around the corner.
Please study hard and don't fail and pass well.
-Yi Jie
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thank you for making my life in SAXOPHONE Section a blast.. :)
Thanks for the presents and the card.. :)
In general, I would like to thank your for making my life in band from sec 2 to sec 4 a worthful one.. As for sec 1 is xinyu and liyi lah.. DUH.. :) Continue to strive hard and make things go smoothly.. :)
P.S: keep the section blog alive, not only the tagboard.. :)
P.S.S: pictures will be uploaded later, cos my cam with elisa.. :p
angeline (bty saxophonists)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hello my juniors, great job done for SYF'09. Continue to work hard for SYF 2011! Aim for Gold medal. :D
pictures taken on the day before SYF and on the actual day of SYF, feel free to grab! :D

yihui and i

tenor saxophonists! sorry angeline, you weren't there. :(

douglas chin

me, xinyu, yihui

xinyu, yihui

yihui shy shy~~

xinyu, yihui

pink teddy bear. :D

yihui, me

me, angeline, xinyu

yijie, yihui, me, xinyu, angeline, zhiqing

yihui, me, xinyu, angeline, zhiqing, yijie
Monday, April 6, 2009
This year SYF, I am proud to say we got a Silver! It is a team and band effort. Not to forget, our seniors, Xinyu and Liyi and also our tutor, the band, other section tutors and conductor, TICs, alumni, seniors, etc. Too many to name. >< It is the process that we truly learn something. Also,
I would also like to remind the section NOT to get complacent and arrogant especially after we get a Silver SYF.To be very honest, I've already seen changes in some of you (I will NOT mention any names). Reflect and think. Although I may act stupid or close one eyes, but I've been observing all of you.
Some notes on the lighter side: (Thanks to Xinyu I am able to find this 2 wonderful screenshots)

We'll grow from strength to strength!~ :)
All the best!~
-Yi Jie