Saturday, February 21, 2009
hellos.. hope that the boys found sectionals fruitful.. :)
hehehe.. btw, i just added a new thing called : COUNTDOWN TO SYF CENTRAL JUDGING.
hehehe.. its found in the AIMS colomn..
hope your can go look at it.. :)
and other thing is that your JOURNALS.. please try to take notes on your journal.. i know its very irratating.. but at least have it with you always.. :) try to tidy your journals also.. :) i know i can be quiet irratating sometimes but (how are you people going to read your journals without a tidy journal??) :)
all the best to everyone!! :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
this is what our teachers said to us:
need to improve:1. watch condutor. [almost the whole band was not looking. look up, be brave.]
2. rythem sense. [follow metronum if you have to.]
3. respond to situation [dont stublem and fall.. pick yourself up.]
4. music making [look at the notice board in band room. what xinyu wrote]
5. bring good attitude [dont follow the school. be the outstanding one
good way.]
6. have basic manners [remember CORAL SEC. SCH.]
7. sectionals. [fruitful ones]
- respect your SECTION LEADERS
- respect is to be earned,
NOT given.
to be noted:-spend time looking at your score
-everyone is a pencentage of the band
-have the right mindset when you enter the band room
-leave your egos out of the bandroom
-have passion
-be committed
-concentrate all the time
-have fun while playing
-note down what you thing is important
-remember what your learn there
-always remember your
6Ps and
i would take this time to say sorry to the whole section:
sorry that i did not play my part well enought. sorry if i did anything that your didn't like. sorry if i didn't pratice hard enought. sorry that i did not be a good senior towards your. sorry if i neglated you. sorry if i got pissed off with you. sorry if i scolded you too much. sorry if i did not show good example. sorry if i did not show much care towards you. sorry if i put too much pressure on you. sorry if i gave you the wrong mind set.
above all, i would like to say that i will pratice double hard for the upcoming exchange and Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hello people.. find the picture very familiar? yup.. its the band calander.. :)
hahahahaha.. :)
please make sure that you know what is the upcoming events..
jia you for SYF and the coming exchange..
please reached school at 7.30am LATEST!!
need morning call?!
set alarm clock..
1 not enought?
set 10 then.. :)
hehehe.. :)
see you people on saturdy.. :)
bty alto/tenor saxophoinst