Friday, May 30, 2008
Attire for Holiday Practices
Every Tues is PE shirt
Every Thurs is Band-tee
Please be reminded to attend all practices unless there is a valid reason. Remember CLAPS! is coming soon. Work hard for CLAPS!
P.S. Keep this blog alive!~
~Yi Jie~
Monday, May 19, 2008
saturday was good cos both MA'AM XINYU and MA'AM LIYI came back.. (hehehe..) that was during main band (like duh..)
during sectionals: it was quiet okay loxz.. but still got room for improvement.. :) so 加油..
anyways that was SATURADAY..
angeline here to post about the upcoming band pratices:
(this post is about the pratices before JUNE HOLIDAYS)
20th may 2008(tuesday): NO band pratice due to sec 2's and 3's having post-exam activities and sec 4's preparing of GCE 'O' level
22th may 2008(thursday): NO band pratice due to sec 2's and 3's haviny post-exam activites and sec 4's preparing for GCE 'O' level
24th may 2008(saturaday): last saturday band pratice before school holidays starts..
-----------------------------------end of section-------------------------------------------
7th june 2008(saturday): the day that we show to the public that beatty military band is still alive!!~ yes.. its CLAP! [Community Life Arts Programme]
p.s: try to keep every pratice during the holidays or not, make it the best.. 加油!!~
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
BEATTY MILITARY BAND RESUMES17th JUNE 2008 (SATURADAY)VENUE BEATTY SECONDAY SCHOOL, BAND ROOM(LOCATED AT DT BLOCK)TIME9am- 1pmP.S: strive to achieve something during every pratice and build up yourself and the section through your own ways.. and help each other in different ways within your own means (education, studies..)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mid-Year Exams are fisnish officially!Study Hard - DONE Play Hard - NEVER ENDING (LOL)Work Hard for CLAPS - IN THE PROCESSGOOD LUCK for your exams results! -YI JIE
Saturday, May 10, 2008

A B♭ Tubax (right), the closest existing instrument to a subcontrabass saxophone. On the left, for comparison, is a tenor saxophone.

Various unusual saxophone variants; clockwise from top left: a straight E♭ baritone, a straight B♭ tenor, straight C soprano, straight B♭ soprano, and a B♭ soprillo.

Ten members of the saxophone family. Clockwise from top left: contrabass, bass, baritone, tenor, C melody, alto, F mezzo-soprano, soprano, C soprano, and sopranino.
credits to wikipedia.
~liyi :D
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
wahaha. since the rooster is offline now, i shall make use of the chance to write another story. credits to MINGYANG who told me what to write. ((:
lols. i cant rmb what he told me, but roughly this is the story:
- lioness hired mas selamat to kill rooster.
- mas selamat thought of a plan, which was to put a teeny tiny bomb into rooster's
- mas selamat told lioness what to do.
- rooster ate his breakfast happily the next morning without realising that there was
a bomb in his food.
- after breakfast, rooster took his daily walk in the nearby forest.
- 30 mins later, the bomb exploded in rooster's stomach, killing the rooster.
- there goes the rooster. ((:
this is the end of the rooster. kudos to mingyang once again. lols. CAT DIDNT APPEAR IN THE STORY AT ALL!! NOT EVEN IN THE GRAND FINALE!! GRR. this story is damn comical. reminds me of road runner and coyote. hehe. perhaps mingyang watched too much videos when he was young. oops. rooster came online. byebye!
Friday, May 2, 2008
cat: once again, the rooster is dreaming in heaven. the rooster did not want to admit that he is weaker than cat and lioness and therefore, came up with his own version of the story. i shall continue with what is happening to the rooster in heaven next time when i have the time. tatas!
The characters of the story are:
Lioness: Xin Yu
Cat: Li Yi
Rooster: Yi Jie
Mutated Spider: NPC (Non-player character)
I hope no one is offended since this is a TRUE story =)
Once upon a time, there was a Cat who was a
weakling and
dishonest (but she does have a heart by saying sorry to me in the later part of the story). She lived together with the Lioness in a den where cockroaches roamed around. Inside the den, cobwebs and creepy-crawlies were all over. As the Cat was a
weakling, she decided ask for Lioness' help. For some odd reason, in the spider nest, there was a mutated big spider. The spider arrived and saw the Cat. The Cat mewed
helplessly. As the lioness saw the Cat was so helpless she came to her rescue but to no avail, she
PHAIL in saving the Cat. The lioness was
trapped in the
sticky web and she
could not move! The Cat mewed even louder. She was so petrified that she dared not move. The spider was drooling and said sinisterly
, "MWUHAHAHAHHA! YOU ARE SO DEAD!"Suddenly, out the
blue, the
rooster appeared! A
powerful and
pure aura surrounded the rooster as the rooster showed his
true power against the spider. The mutated spider could not help but clapped his hands and admit defeat. You wanna know why the rooster won without touching the spider? Because the rooster had
great charisma and is totally a
MORE POWERFUL FORCE than the Lioness and Cat. The Lioness was
stunned while the Cat was
dumbfounded. My powerful peck freed the Lioness. Being very proud, the Cat claimed that she could kill the spider without my help. The Lioness couldn't help but
thanking me continuously. The Cat said, "
Fine, you did win the spider and SAVE my life. I am SORRY!" Upon hearing that the rooster thought:
Wow? I can win over the hearts of the Spider, Cat and Lioness. I am truely a winner.
NOTE: The 1st story being typed by The Cat was just a lie because The Cat is not willing to lose her pride by saying sorry to me. But in the real story she DID say sorry to me because she has a heart although it now seems that her pride is more important.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
ok. before the crazy rooster comes with something nasty to destroy the cat and the lioness, i shall start the story first.
main characters:
liyi as catxinyu as lionessyijie as rooster
story starts~~(PART ONE)
once upon a time, the cat and the lioness were living together in a peaceful village. they were medical scientists and ran a farm of chickens and roosters for their experiments. unknown to them, one of their STUPID AND RETARDED roosters wandered into the lab one day and got himself infected with a deadly disease that could destroy the entire village in no time. fortunately, the lioness found out in time and told cat. together, they wore their protective suites and chased the rooster out into the jungle where the disease could not spread to any villagers. then, they began to catch the flying rooster. unknown to lioness and cat, the disease caused the rooster to have special powers too. therefore, it was a tough job trying to capture the INSANE rooster. the rooster ran around the jungle like nobody's business. however, lioness and cat were much stronger than rooster. lioness and cat finally caught up with rooster and the fight started. the rooster tried to act smart by pecking at cat. unknown to him, lioness was behind him. lioness gave rooster a powerful swipe that sent rooster flying into a tree. lioness then went to sit on rooster. rooster could not move under the weight of the lioness. cat went up and scratched rooster's face with lioness and caused rooster to cluck in pain. ((: lioness and cat were on the verge of winning when rooster let out a big and smelly fart that could cause the ozone layer's hole to become bigger. lioness and cat then jumped up onto the tree in disgust. rooster then flew up to the tree and fought with lioness and cat. cat took out her light sabre and chopped off rooster's wings. rooster then dropped to the ground. to give lioness some enjoyment in defeating the rooster, cat gave lioness the honour of slicing off rooster's head. however, rooster was too obsessed with winning that even on the way up to heaven, he was busy clucking out that he was the winner. cat then went to the pet shop to buy a muzzle to shut the rooster up.
copywrighted. this story is the TRUE AND OFFICIAL story. no other stories will be true, though the rooster may try to write some.
LOL. THIS IS SO DAMN RANDOM. photos of the main characters are below.
yijie: u wanna try writing a story too?? hahahaha.

here is the crazy rooster:
the revered and great cat and lioness:

Jia you for mid-year exam!
Good luck and
pass with flying colour! Labour Day gives us 1 day advantage.
Also, remember to take care of yourself and drink lots of water.
Eat good
Study good
Sleep good
Result good
Music also Good!
~Yi Jie~
ok. i changed some of the stuffs. and added back our profile.
angeline: im gonna slaughter you for this...
anyway, imeem account for this blog has been created. username and password is the same as this. but imeem's giving me a hell lot of problems now so i dunno whether it REALLY has been created or not.. hehe.
EDITED: imeem's working alr. it has been created. but im lazy to do the songs. someone volunteer??((:
EDITED AGAIN: hehes. added more colour to the tagboard.
humph. of course we will come back luh. but if you guys treat us bad then we will not come back. wahahaha. and leave the whole section to rot and die there. ((:
angeline: woah. you very
evil leh. throw yijie to die n suffer. hahahaha. but if i were you, i will throw him to die n suffer AND create chaos for him to settle. hehehehe. im more evil than anyone of you here. but still ar, must teach him leh. he still ur junior and you got more experience than him.. haha. anyway, when u guys want to zao4 fan3 against him tell me, i wanna join in..
yi hui: you ar, dunno what to say to you. hahaha.
study more and
dont bully douglas hor.
got anything dunno come and ask me. im very nice de. (: and hor,
dont naughty already. rmb the phone incident in ur class? ahh.. you know what i mean liao right.. guai guai and
dont get into trouble anymore le hor..
yijie: you ar.. one sentence:
you let the section collapse, xinyu and i will personally come after you and kill you, chop your body into many pieces, feed your limbs to the crocs and dogs, multilate the remainder and play tic tac toe on your face. hahahaha. but if you got anything dunno, go and ask xinyu.. she will tell you.. ok? LOL. ok, dunno what to say to you, cuz like everything alr told you on msn le. hehe.
zhiqing and douglas: babies of the section, you both have many things to learn.
pay attention to what angeline, yijie and yihui say and learn k? but if they teach you bad things then dont learn luh.. haha.
douglas especially:
xinyu: lol. i got
nothing to say to you. cuz like everyday also see you and talk to you. haha. but, when you going back that time must tell me hor, i also want to go back. hehe.
on the whole: those that dont have the user n pass for this blog,(saxophonists ONLY), ask either me(liyi), xinyu or angeline for it. and try to update whenever you can. haha. update anything relating to the section. haha. especially photos cuz we like nvr post any photos before. and does anyone volunteer to get a new skin??
lastly, i got one qn: how come xinyu and my profile erased?? i shall put it back when i have the time. grr...
EDITED: alot colour liao hor?